DIGITAL360 Empowering Innovation

We are born in 2012 from university research.

Since our inception, we have grown at an average annual rate (CAGR) of 44%, thanks to 20% organic growth and a clear M&A strategy.

We are pioneers in two innovative and fast-growing business areas worldwide: MarTech, the digital transformation of marketing and sales, and ConsulTech, the technology revolution in consulting.

In 2021 we became a Benefit Corporation (link to dedicated tab), convinced that our business activity can and should have a positive impact on the environment around us.

Thanks to our established know-how, we have also been operating internationally for two years in the Spanish and Latin American markets where we offer innovative marketing and communication services for all companies seeking to transform their digital business.

Gabriele Faggioli

Driving companies and public administrations in understanding and implementing Digital Innovation and facilitating their encounter match the best technology providers.

Gabriele Faggioli

Board Member
Raffaello Balocco

Digital Innovation as a driver for sustainable and inclusive development of the economy, businesses and public administrations.

Raffaello Balocco

Board Member

DIGITAL360 in breve

Chairman DIGITAL360

Benefit Corporation Go to section

On June 1 2021 we have become a Benefit Corporation. This choice seemed to us a natural evolution and a recognition of what we have always done, since we were born in 2012: that is, to promote digital innovation in all its forms as a driver of sustainable and inclusive growth of the economy and society.

More generally, we have embarked on a path towards the sustainability of our business model and activities, with the triple aim of: i) contributing to the achievement of the collective goals outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda; ii) meeting the common benefit objectives we have set ourselves in our charter; iii) adding value and solidity to our business by seizing materially relevant ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) opportunities.

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Think Tank Go to section

Group's companies