We use our distinctive competences to develop with our clients projects characterised by a high level of customisation aimed at satisfying, also thanks to our proprietary technological platforms, specific requirements for setting up and implementing digital transformation processes. Our main areas of action are:
- AUDIT We support businesses and public administrations in defining, planning and executing an internal audit model, ensuring that internal processes operate more efficiently and effectively in terms of both corporate governance and risk management
- COMPLIANCE We support public and private companies in defining and implementing the process of complying with laws and technical regulations, helping them to manage their obligations
- CONTRACTS, NEGOTIATION & LITIGATION We have more than ten years’ experience in contracting and supply risk prevention and mitigation. We negotiate highly complex contracts: from the balanced definition of relations with counterparties to the conduct of negotiations in the event of a dispute, from assistance and defence in the event of litigation to the settlement of disputes
- CULTURAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT We support organisations in understanding and defining their ‘why’. By enabling people to gain awareness and meaning, they can understand the reason for changes and experience them feeling truly involved and protagonist. We activate the entire organisation in a top-down and bottom-up co-constructed change process, based on its own characteristics and specific cultural and performance needs. We want to be partners of organisations that want to build sustainable, lasting and successful change platforms
- CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE We help organisations make customer-centricity and customer experience part of the very DNA of their business, helping to develop the best digital strategies with a human-centred and data-driven approach. We design services and optimise processes to ensure relevant and memorable consumer experiences
- DATA INSIGHTS & ORGANIZATION We combine expertise and experience in the fields of Data Science and Data Management in order to ensure that organisations exploit information to support decision-making processes. We develop mathematical models, favouring the construction of an insight-driven organisational and operational model
- DIGITAL & OPEN INNOVATION We have developed a 360° approach to support organisations in their transformation towards open and participative innovation models, helping them to create the organisational conditions for grounding and governing initiatives effectively and efficiently
- DIGITAL BANKING We accompany organisations and institutions as well as providers of banking and IT products and services in the management of all legal, contractual, compliance and Information & Security issues related to digital and organisational transformation
- DIGITAL LAW We support companies of all sizes and market sectors in assessing and managing the legal implications, regulatory compliance needs and contractual requirements associated with digital transformation paths within the company or in relation to the range of digital goods and services on offer in the market
- DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION We accompany organisations in facing the challenges of Digital Transformation, developing a culture that enables and supports the changes in strategy, process, organisation, mindset and behaviour that such transformations bring. This approach brings positive results and concrete impacts: people understand and feel involved and comfortable with the technological adoption; organisations build a sustainable and long-term path, consistent with their strategy and business objectives
- HEALTHCARE INNOVATION We support public and private players in the healthcare system in defining innovation strategies and in assessing and revising their organisational model, encouraging the development and adoption of processes and solutions centred on digital technology in general and telemedicine in particular
- HIGH PERFORMING TEAM We accompany leaders and teams on a journey that evolves a good group into a great team. The course aims to gain greater self and team awareness, clearly define team goals and vision, identify effective work habits and principles that increase team effectiveness
- INFORMATION & CYBER SECURITY We help companies protect the digitisation of their business processes and create a secure information system by providing skills, methodologies, solutions and offensive and defensive security services that enable them to implement the best strategies to prevent and deal with information security threats, enhancing their ability to assess and manage cyber risks. We ensure compliance with regulations and standards
- IT GOVERNANCE We have the ability to evolve the IT organisation by harmonising it with business needs. We rationalise and optimise the governance of systems, infrastructures, applications and services, encouraging effective dialogue with all LOBs, guaranteeing speed, agility and scalability without compromise
- PEOPLE ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY We help organisations improve their performance, achieving shared goals and generating value within the company through employee engagement. We assist projects with different purposes related to cultural change, thanks also to specific engagement diagnostic tools. We design competency mapping paths, including digital ones, and talent enhancement. The operational plan is implemented by exploiting all the channels the company has at its disposal: physical and digital
- SMART OPERATIONS We help manufacturing and distribution companies choose integrated, advanced and collaborative smart manufacturing models. We optimise operational processes, bringing a new system intelligence that favours the development of supply chain relations which, by breaking down siloed information logics, bring efficiency, speed and reduce waste and errors
- SMART WORKING We help organisations make evolve the way people work: we co-construct new working models, with the aim of increasing productivity and organisational well-being, while respecting work-life balance needs. We offer consultancy and services aimed at promoting and introducing the best Smart Working policies: listening and data mapping architectures, training and envisioning, flexibility policies, support in discussions with trade unions, management coaching on new leadership and results orientation models, redefining work spaces and designing internal and external communication campaigns. We help to develop the culture, leadership model, capabilities and rules that create a new and sustainable way of working, consistent with corporate objectives
- SPACE ECONOMY We accompany companies along digital transformation paths to seize all the opportunities offered by the space sector, developing strategies, extracting value from data, ensuring full regulatory compliance and the security of all assets
- STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT We support companies in studying and identifying the best ways to involve and activate stakeholders. We believe that listening to and directly involving people are fundamental enablers for change paths that truly take into account the needs and expectations of the organisation and its stakeholders
- SUSTAINABILITY ESG We support organisations in defining and implementing corporate sustainability strategies, aimed at enhancing the value of intangible corporate assets, through the adoption of ESG metrics and tools for digital transformation